Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Art Gallery

Today, my class went down to the Art Gallery at school. My favorite one was a picture made out of cut and paste magazine images. I love how well everything goes together with the mercury in the hand and the waterfall dripping underneath.
Other works were black and white pictures taken with an iPhone by a Fine Arts professor, Sena C. Creston. She mentioned that it's easier taking pictures without people looking at her weird because she's not holding a giant bulky camera.
I think everyone else's favorite was the light box. I thought it was pretty cool too because I think it looks like the light is actually shining out of the picture. Here is Brian M. Gomez drinking coffee and appreciating the beautiful art piece.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Columbia Center Mall

Even though our mall always closes really early, doesn't this photo make it look like an attraction for night life? I resized it small so I could upload it but it's original size was about 30 MB and it's taken with the camera on my phone! So all you people with new iPhones and Instagram accounts can eat my dust.. lol jk :P!

Friday, October 4, 2013

'Sexy' Character Cups

My 1 Hour Photo project for Doug Gast's Print Based Media class.. 
Look at how excited Mushi is to have friends visiting lol :D! ---->
Xenial means hospitable..  it was hard to find an adjective that starts
with an 'x' so that the subliminal message would spell 'sexy'..
Above is my first photo taken but my professor did not like the white background